How To Get Rid of Flying Squirrels: Practical Tips to Keep Them Out of Your House

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How To Get Rid of Flying Squirrels

Flying squirrels are more likely to take up residence in your attic than other species of squirrels because there is plenty of space above for them to build nests, and it’s easy for them to get up there. In this guide, you will learn how to get rid of flying squirrels from your home.

An overhead loft makes a perfect nesting place for flying squirrels because they can leap from rafter to rafter with ease. Flying squirrels also love attics because they provide access to the outside world and plenty of food; lots of houses have eaves and awnings that are perfect places for these little critters to stash their acorns. In the winter months, flying squirrels can be found hiding in attics seeking shelter from the cold temperatures. Squirrels, particularly flying squirrels, are very sociable creatures. You might notice that you have more than one living in your attic.

Because flying squirrels are tiny, they can enter a house through very small openings or holes. They also have the ability to climb anything and glide anywhere, so an entry hole might be anywhere on the house, but it’s probably on the roof, on the eaves, on a vent, or somewhere similar.

Flying squirrels don’t pose much of a threat, but they aren’t exactly cuddly or friendly pets either. Flying squirrels in an attic can cause many problems, including noisy urination and defecation or decay if one dies. In addition, they may create holes in the walls or insulation as they try to nest or get out once again. Furthermore, having animal noises coming from your attic can be disturbing and keep you awake at night and affect your sleep. But how do you keep flying squirrels out of the attic? In this post, we will give you some practical tips on how to get rid of flying squirrels.

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Inspect the Attic for Flying Squirrels

Look for signs of a flying squirrel in your attic. Look for the animals themselves, their excrement, tracks, or areas they may have damaged so you can understand if it is a squirrel or some other type of creature you are dealing with. If you don’t actually lay eyes on the critter making themselves at home in your attic then you may have to do a bit of research or consult a professional to ensure that the animal you are looking for is a flying squirrel.

Seal Up Any Holes in the Attic

The most obvious solution to keeping flying squirrels away from your attic is to seal up any holes they might be using to get in. Squirrels are agile, nimble creatures and will use the smallest holes or weak points in your house as an entrance. Flying squirrels can easily leap through a loose-fitting hole that is just a few inches wide, but they can’t squeeze through a crack that is less than 1 inch wide.

You may need to get up on a ladder and do some exploring to find all the holes squirrels are using to get into your attic. Check the roof, the soffit, the vents, the chimney, and the attic window, and seal any openings you find with steel wool, steel mesh, aluminum flashing tape, or silicone caulk. There may also be more than one entry point the flying squirrel is getting in through. Flying squirrels may be excluded from a hole by using a one-way door or some other device.

Use Exclusion

Excluding flying squirrels from your attic is the easiest way to get them out. You would begin by sealing up all but one entry point. Make sure that the entrance you keep open is regularly used by the squirrels and is hopefully the main one.

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Cover the hole with a one-way door or another type of exclusion device. Flying squirrels will be able to leave but not get back inside. Over the course of a few days, they will leave in search of food and remain outside with no way to get back in.

Once you are certain that all the flying squirrels have departed from your attic, you can remove the exclusion device from the entry point and immediately seal the entrance. If all entrances are not sealed, more squirrels may enter and remain inside, where they will starve to death a few days later, as they will have no way to return outside.

Install Screens on Ventilation Vents

Flying squirrels use ventilation vents as easy access points to the attic. They love to perch on the louver blades, chewing away at them until they can force their way inside. If you find that your squirrels are using the vents, you can install steel mesh or aluminum foil tape to cover the louvers. You can also install steel mesh or aluminum foil tape to cover the louvers. You can also install a squirrel baffle to keep squirrels out of the vents.

Use Motion-Detecting Lights

Flying squirrels are nocturnal animals, and they are most likely to be in your attic at night. If you are vigilant, you may be able to catch them in the act, but if you can’t find them or make them leave, you may not be able to get them out. You can try installing a motion-detecting light in the attic to scare them off and keep them away. Flying squirrels are used to the dark and will have trouble seeing the light. The light can also keep them away during the day, which is when they are most likely to be in your attic.

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Get a Good Quality Noise Machine or Repeller Device

Flying squirrels are used to the sounds of nature and the silence of an empty attic. They get startled by sudden noises and loud bangs, and a high-quality noise machine can simulate the sounds of the forest to keep them away. There are a number of wildlife noise machines on the market that emit the chirping and chattering sounds of the outdoors. A nature sounds machine will also repel other animals, including mice and rats, and keep your attic peaceful.

There are also squirrel repellent sound devices that emit high-frequency sound waves that are above the range of human ears but at a level that squirrels, rats, and other rodents can hear them and, at least initially, be disturbed by them. These devices are powered by electricity and can be either plugged into the wall or run off batteries.

It should be noted that squirrels and other rodents can get used to these sounds over time. When they consistently fail to find any threats accompanying a threatening sound, they stop being afraid of it. Basically, they become aware of what to expect, and therefore no longer get scared by the sounds.

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